Conversion Service
The Conversion Service is an all-round carefree package for automating your document processes. It allows you to harmonize documents from various sources and prepare them optimally for your intended purpose. Substitute inefficient and error-prone manual steps with reliable automated processing.
For more information, please see the product page and the documentation.
📄️ Create new job
Create a new job to be processed with the given `workflow` and `profile`.
📄️ Delete job
Delete the job and all associated resources.
📄️ Start job
Signal that all data has been added to a job.
📄️ Get job info
Get job info
📄️ Get job result data
Get result data, typically a document, of a job that has completed successfully.
📄️ Get job result
This call blocks until the result is available. If blocking is not acceptable, `getJobInfo` can be polled, until
📄️ Store job result data
Store the result data by sending it to a Webserver via HTTP(S) request.
📄️ Add data to job
Add data (typically a document) to the job.
📄️ List all jobs
List all jobs and their statuses.
📄️ List available workflows
List available workflows
📄️ Get the service status
Get the service status