PDF Toolbox
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Classes | |
struct | TPtxGeomReal_Point |
struct | TPtxGeomReal_Size |
struct | TPtxGeomReal_Rectangle |
struct | TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral |
struct | TPtxGeomReal_AffineTransform |
struct | TPtxGeomInt_Size |
struct | TPtxPdfContent_PathSegment |
struct | TPtxPdfNav_PageDisplay |
struct | TPtxSys_Date |
Macros | |
#define | BOOL int |
#define | TRUE 1 |
#define | FALSE 0 |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum TPtx_ErrorCode | TPtx_ErrorCode |
typedef enum TPtxGeom_HorizontalAlignment | TPtxGeom_HorizontalAlignment |
typedef enum TPtxGeom_Rotation | TPtxGeom_Rotation |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_Permission | TPtxPdf_Permission |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_Conformance | TPtxPdf_Conformance |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_CopyStrategy | TPtxPdf_CopyStrategy |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_RemovalStrategy | TPtxPdf_RemovalStrategy |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_NameConflictResolution | TPtxPdf_NameConflictResolution |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_ProcessColorSpaceType | TPtxPdfContent_ProcessColorSpaceType |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_LineCapStyle | TPtxPdfContent_LineCapStyle |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_LineJoinStyle | TPtxPdfContent_LineJoinStyle |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_InsideRule | TPtxPdfContent_InsideRule |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_BlendMode | TPtxPdfContent_BlendMode |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection | TPtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_WritingMode | TPtxPdfContent_WritingMode |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_FontWeight | TPtxPdfContent_FontWeight |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_PathSegmentType | TPtxPdfContent_PathSegmentType |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_ImageType | TPtxPdfContent_ImageType |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy | TPtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions | TPtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_ViewerNavigationPane | TPtxPdfNav_ViewerNavigationPane |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_PageLayout | TPtxPdfNav_PageLayout |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy | TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_LineEnding | TPtxPdfAnnots_LineEnding |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStampType | TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStampType |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachmentIcon | TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachmentIcon |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpaceType | TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpaceType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_ContentElementType | TPtxPdfContent_ContentElementType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType | TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_FieldType | TPtxPdfForms_FieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Field. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType | TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_TextField. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType | TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldType | TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureFieldType | TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType | TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Signature. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType | TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Destination. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestinationType | TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestinationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_LinkType | TPtxPdfNav_LinkType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Link. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType | TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotationType | TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType | TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotationType | TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation. | |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType | TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup. | |
typedef struct TPtx_Sdk | TPtx_Sdk |
typedef struct TPtx_StringMap | TPtx_StringMap |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_QuadrilateralList | TPtxGeomReal_QuadrilateralList |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_PageCopyOptions | TPtxPdf_PageCopyOptions |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Encryption | TPtxPdf_Encryption |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_PageList | TPtxPdf_PageList |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_FileReferenceList | TPtxPdf_FileReferenceList |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Document | TPtxPdf_Document |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Page | TPtxPdf_Page |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Metadata | TPtxPdf_Metadata |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_FileReference | TPtxPdf_FileReference |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Transparency | TPtxPdfContent_Transparency |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Stroke | TPtxPdfContent_Stroke |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Fill | TPtxPdfContent_Fill |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Image | TPtxPdfContent_Image |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageMask | TPtxPdfContent_ImageMask |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Font | TPtxPdfContent_Font |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Group | TPtxPdfContent_Group |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceGrayColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_DeviceGrayColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceRgbColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_DeviceRgbColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceCmykColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_DeviceCmykColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedGrayColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedGrayColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedRgbColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedRgbColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_LabColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_LabColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_IccBasedColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_IccBasedColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_IndexedColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_IndexedColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_SeparationColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_SeparationColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_NChannelColorSpace | TPtxPdfContent_NChannelColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Subpath | TPtxPdfContent_Subpath |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Path | TPtxPdfContent_Path |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathIterator | TPtxPdfContent_PathIterator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentGenerator | TPtxPdfContent_ContentGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathGenerator | TPtxPdfContent_PathGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextGenerator | TPtxPdfContent_TextGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Content | TPtxPdfContent_Content |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Paint | TPtxPdfContent_Paint |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Glyph | TPtxPdfContent_Glyph |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextFragment | TPtxPdfContent_TextFragment |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Text | TPtxPdfContent_Text |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement | TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextElement | TPtxPdfContent_TextElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_GroupElement | TPtxPdfContent_GroupElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathElement | TPtxPdfContent_PathElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageElement | TPtxPdfContent_ImageElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageMaskElement | TPtxPdfContent_ImageMaskElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ShadingElement | TPtxPdfContent_ShadingElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractor | TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractor |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractorIterator | TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractorIterator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeMap | TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeMap |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_WidgetList | TPtxPdfForms_WidgetList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldList | TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Widget | TPtxPdfForms_Widget |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode | TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SubForm | TPtxPdfForms_SubForm |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Field | TPtxPdfForms_Field |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_TextField | TPtxPdfForms_TextField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField | TPtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_CombTextField | TPtxPdfForms_CombTextField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_PushButton | TPtxPdfForms_PushButton |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_CheckBox | TPtxPdfForms_CheckBox |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButton | TPtxPdfForms_RadioButton |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonList | TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonGroup | TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonGroup |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItem | TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItem |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItemList | TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItemList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField | TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ListBox | TPtxPdfForms_ListBox |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ComboBox | TPtxPdfForms_ComboBox |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField | TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField | TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Signature | TPtxPdfForms_Signature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocumentSignature | TPtxPdfForms_DocumentSignature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocMdpSignature | TPtxPdfForms_DocMdpSignature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocumentTimeStamp | TPtxPdfForms_DocumentTimeStamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_ViewerSettings | TPtxPdfNav_ViewerSettings |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItem | TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItem |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItemList | TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItemList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_Destination | TPtxPdfNav_Destination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestination | TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination | TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_LocationZoomDestination | TPtxPdfNav_LocationZoomDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitPageDestination | TPtxPdfNav_FitPageDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitWidthDestination | TPtxPdfNav_FitWidthDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitHeightDestination | TPtxPdfNav_FitHeightDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitRectangleDestination | TPtxPdfNav_FitRectangleDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_Link | TPtxPdfNav_Link |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_LinkList | TPtxPdfNav_LinkList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_InternalLink | TPtxPdfNav_InternalLink |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_WebLink | TPtxPdfNav_WebLink |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_EmbeddedPdfLink | TPtxPdfNav_EmbeddedPdfLink |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineCopyOptions | TPtxPdfNav_OutlineCopyOptions |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationList | TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo | TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfoList | TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfoList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Popup | TPtxPdfAnnots_Popup |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_StickyNote | TPtxPdfAnnots_StickyNote |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment | TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp | TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamp | TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_CustomStamp | TPtxPdfAnnots_CustomStamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_FreeText | TPtxPdfAnnots_FreeText |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_LineAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_LineAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_InkAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_InkAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_PolyLineAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_PolyLineAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_PolygonAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_PolygonAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_RectangleAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_RectangleAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_EllipseAnnotation | TPtxPdfAnnots_EllipseAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup | TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Highlight | TPtxPdfAnnots_Highlight |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Underline | TPtxPdfAnnots_Underline |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_StrikeThrough | TPtxPdfAnnots_StrikeThrough |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Squiggly | TPtxPdfAnnots_Squiggly |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextInsert | TPtxPdfAnnots_TextInsert |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Point | TPtxGeomReal_Point |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Size | TPtxGeomReal_Size |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Rectangle | TPtxGeomReal_Rectangle |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral | TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_AffineTransform | TPtxGeomReal_AffineTransform |
typedef struct TPtxGeomInt_Size | TPtxGeomInt_Size |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathSegment | TPtxPdfContent_PathSegment |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_PageDisplay | TPtxPdfNav_PageDisplay |
typedef struct TPtxSys_Date | TPtxSys_Date |
#define BOOL int |
#define FALSE 0 |
#define TRUE 1 |
typedef enum TPtx_ErrorCode TPtx_ErrorCode |
typedef struct TPtx_Sdk TPtx_Sdk |
typedef struct TPtx_StringMap TPtx_StringMap |
typedef enum TPtxGeom_HorizontalAlignment TPtxGeom_HorizontalAlignment |
typedef enum TPtxGeom_Rotation TPtxGeom_Rotation |
typedef struct TPtxGeomInt_Size TPtxGeomInt_Size |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_AffineTransform TPtxGeomReal_AffineTransform |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Point TPtxGeomReal_Point |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral |
A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four corners. When associated with text, the horizontal text writing direction goes from TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral::BottomLeft to TPtxGeomReal_Quadrilateral::BottomLeft.
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_QuadrilateralList TPtxGeomReal_QuadrilateralList |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Rectangle TPtxGeomReal_Rectangle |
typedef struct TPtxGeomReal_Size TPtxGeomReal_Size |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_Conformance TPtxPdf_Conformance |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_CopyStrategy TPtxPdf_CopyStrategy |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Document TPtxPdf_Document |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Encryption TPtxPdf_Encryption |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_FileReference TPtxPdf_FileReference |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_FileReferenceList TPtxPdf_FileReferenceList |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Metadata TPtxPdf_Metadata |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_Page TPtxPdf_Page |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_PageCopyOptions TPtxPdf_PageCopyOptions |
typedef struct TPtxPdf_PageList TPtxPdf_PageList |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_Permission TPtxPdf_Permission |
typedef enum TPtxPdf_RemovalStrategy TPtxPdf_RemovalStrategy |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationList TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationList |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_Annotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_Annotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_CustomStamp TPtxPdfAnnots_CustomStamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_EllipseAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_EllipseAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment |
Specifies the type of icon displayed on a page for a TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment.
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_FreeText TPtxPdfAnnots_FreeText |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Highlight TPtxPdfAnnots_Highlight |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_InkAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_InkAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_LineAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_LineAnnotation |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_LineEnding TPtxPdfAnnots_LineEnding |
Specifies the type of line termination for line and poly-line annotations.
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfo |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfoList TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfoList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_PolygonAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_PolygonAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_PolyLineAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_PolyLineAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Popup TPtxPdfAnnots_Popup |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_RectangleAnnotation TPtxPdfAnnots_RectangleAnnotation |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Squiggly TPtxPdfAnnots_Squiggly |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_Stamp_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_Stamp_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_StickyNote TPtxPdfAnnots_StickyNote |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_StrikeThrough TPtxPdfAnnots_StrikeThrough |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextInsert TPtxPdfAnnots_TextInsert |
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamp TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamp |
typedef enum TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStampType TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStampType |
Specifies the text displayed for predefined TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamps.
typedef struct TPtxPdfAnnots_Underline TPtxPdfAnnots_Underline |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_BlendMode TPtxPdfContent_BlendMode |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedGrayColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedGrayColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedRgbColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_CalibratedRgbColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfContent_ColorSpace_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpaceType iChildType = PtxPdfContent_ColorSpace_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Content TPtxPdfContent_Content |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfContent_ContentElement_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfContent_ContentElementType iChildType = PtxPdfContent_ContentElement_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractor TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractor |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractorIterator TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractorIterator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ContentGenerator TPtxPdfContent_ContentGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceCmykColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_DeviceCmykColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceGrayColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_DeviceGrayColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_DeviceRgbColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_DeviceRgbColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Fill TPtxPdfContent_Fill |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Font TPtxPdfContent_Font |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_FontWeight TPtxPdfContent_FontWeight |
Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font.
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Glyph TPtxPdfContent_Glyph |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Group TPtxPdfContent_Group |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_GroupElement TPtxPdfContent_GroupElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_IccBasedColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_IccBasedColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Image TPtxPdfContent_Image |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageElement TPtxPdfContent_ImageElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageMask TPtxPdfContent_ImageMask |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ImageMaskElement TPtxPdfContent_ImageMaskElement |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_ImageType TPtxPdfContent_ImageType |
Denotes the type of the image.
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_IndexedColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_IndexedColorSpace |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_InsideRule TPtxPdfContent_InsideRule |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_LabColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_LabColorSpace |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_LineCapStyle TPtxPdfContent_LineCapStyle |
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_LineJoinStyle TPtxPdfContent_LineJoinStyle |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_NChannelColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_NChannelColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Paint TPtxPdfContent_Paint |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Path TPtxPdfContent_Path |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathElement TPtxPdfContent_PathElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathGenerator TPtxPdfContent_PathGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathIterator TPtxPdfContent_PathIterator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_PathSegment TPtxPdfContent_PathSegment |
Used to distinguish between linear (line) and cubic (Bezier curve) path segments.
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_SeparationColorSpace TPtxPdfContent_SeparationColorSpace |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_ShadingElement TPtxPdfContent_ShadingElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Stroke TPtxPdfContent_Stroke |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Subpath TPtxPdfContent_Subpath |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Text TPtxPdfContent_Text |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextElement TPtxPdfContent_TextElement |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextFragment TPtxPdfContent_TextFragment |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_TextGenerator TPtxPdfContent_TextGenerator |
typedef struct TPtxPdfContent_Transparency TPtxPdfContent_Transparency |
Used to control the behavior of content extraction. Groups in the content can either be extracted as TPtxPdfContent_GroupElements, or their content can be unpacked, in which case groups' content elements are extracted as if not belonging to a group.
typedef enum TPtxPdfContent_WritingMode TPtxPdfContent_WritingMode |
Used to distinguish between horizontally and vertically written text.
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_CheckBox TPtxPdfForms_CheckBox |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_ChoiceField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_ChoiceField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItem TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItem |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItemList TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItemList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ComboBox TPtxPdfForms_ComboBox |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_CombTextField TPtxPdfForms_CombTextField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocMdpSignature TPtxPdfForms_DocMdpSignature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocumentSignature TPtxPdfForms_DocumentSignature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_DocumentTimeStamp TPtxPdfForms_DocumentTimeStamp |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Field TPtxPdfForms_Field |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeMap TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeMap |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_FieldNode_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_FieldNode_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_FieldType TPtxPdfForms_FieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Field.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_Field. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_Field*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_Field_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_FieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_Field_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField TPtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_ListBox TPtxPdfForms_ListBox |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions TPtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_PushButton TPtxPdfForms_PushButton |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButton TPtxPdfForms_RadioButton |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonGroup TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonGroup |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonList TPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Signature TPtxPdfForms_Signature |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldList TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldList |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_SignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_SignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Signature.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_Signature. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_Signature*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_Signature_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_Signature_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_SubForm TPtxPdfForms_SubForm |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_TextField TPtxPdfForms_TextField |
typedef enum TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_TextField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_TextField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_TextField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_TextField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_TextField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_Widget TPtxPdfForms_Widget |
typedef struct TPtxPdfForms_WidgetList TPtxPdfForms_WidgetList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_Destination TPtxPdfNav_Destination |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Destination.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_Destination. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_Destination*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_Destination_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_Destination_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_DirectDestination_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestinationType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_DirectDestination_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_EmbeddedPdfLink TPtxPdfNav_EmbeddedPdfLink |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitHeightDestination TPtxPdfNav_FitHeightDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitPageDestination TPtxPdfNav_FitPageDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitRectangleDestination TPtxPdfNav_FitRectangleDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_FitWidthDestination TPtxPdfNav_FitWidthDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_InternalLink TPtxPdfNav_InternalLink |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_Link TPtxPdfNav_Link |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_LinkList TPtxPdfNav_LinkList |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_LinkType TPtxPdfNav_LinkType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Link.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_Link. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_Link*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_Link_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_LinkType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_Link_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_LocationZoomDestination TPtxPdfNav_LocationZoomDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestination TPtxPdfNav_NamedDestination |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineCopyOptions TPtxPdfNav_OutlineCopyOptions |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItem TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItem |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItemList TPtxPdfNav_OutlineItemList |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_PageDisplay TPtxPdfNav_PageDisplay |
typedef enum TPtxPdfNav_PageLayout TPtxPdfNav_PageLayout |
Specifies the horizontal arrangement for displaying pages.
Specifies an informational side pane in a viewer used for document navigation or displaying document wide information.
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_ViewerSettings TPtxPdfNav_ViewerSettings |
typedef struct TPtxPdfNav_WebLink TPtxPdfNav_WebLink |
typedef struct TPtxSys_Date TPtxSys_Date |
enum TPtx_ErrorCode |
enum TPtxGeom_Rotation |
enum TPtxPdf_Conformance |
enum TPtxPdf_CopyStrategy |
enum TPtxPdf_Permission |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_Annotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_Annotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_Annotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Specifies the type of icon displayed on a page for a TPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachment.
Specifies the type of line termination for line and poly-line annotations.
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotationType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotation_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_Stamp*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_Stamp_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_StampType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_Stamp_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfAnnots_StampType_Stamp | |
ePtxPdfAnnots_StampType_TextStamp | |
ePtxPdfAnnots_StampType_CustomStamp |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupType iChildType = PtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkup_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Specifies the text displayed for predefined TPtxPdfAnnots_TextStamps.
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Normal | Selects the source color, ignoring the backdrop. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Multiply | Multiplies the backdrop and source color values. The result color is always at least as dark as either of the two constituent colors. When working with additive colors, multiplying any color with black produces black while multiplying with white leaves the original color unchanged. For subtractive colors, the maximum tint value used for all colorants of the color space acts as black does for additive spaces. Painting successive overlapping objects with a color other than black or white produces progressively darker colors. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Screen | Multiplies the complements of the backdrop and source color values, then complements the result. The result color is always at least as light as either of the two constituent colors. When working with additive colors, screening any color with white produces white while screening with black leaves the original color unchanged. For subtractive colors, the maximum tint value of all colorants of the color space acts as black does for additive spaces. The effect is similar to projecting multiple photographic slides simultaneously onto a single screen. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Darken | Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors. The backdrop is replaced with the source where the source is darker; otherwise, it is left unchanged. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Lighten | Selects the lighter of the backdrop and source colors. The backdrop is replaced with the source where the source is lighter; otherwise, it is left unchanged. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_ColorDodge | Brightens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with black produces no change. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_ColorBurn | Darkens the backdrop color to reflect the source color. Painting with white produces no change. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_HardLight | Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the backdrop. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_SoftLight | Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the backdrop. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Overlay | Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the backdrop color value. Source colors overlay the backdrop while preserving its highlights and shadows. The backdrop color is not replaced but is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the backdrop. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Difference | Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change. For subtractive colors, the maximum tint value for all colourants of the color space acts as black does for additive spaces. This blend mode is not white-preserving. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Exclusion | Produces an effect similar to that of the Difference mode but lower in contrast. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change. For subtractive colors, the maximum tint value for all colourants of the color space acts as black does for additive spaces. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Hue | Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the backdrop color. This blend mode is not separable. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Saturation | Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the backdrop color. Painting with this mode in an area of the backdrop that is a pure gray (no saturation) produces no change. This blend mode is not separable. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Color | Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the backdrop color. This preserves the gray levels of the backdrop and is useful for coloring monochrome images or tinting color images. This blend mode is not separable. |
ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Luminosity | Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the backdrop color. This produces an inverse effect to that of the ePtxPdfContent_BlendMode_Color mode. This blend mode is not separable. |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpace*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfContent_ColorSpace_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfContent_ColorSpaceType iChildType = PtxPdfContent_ColorSpace_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfContent_ContentElement*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfContent_ContentElement_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfContent_ContentElementType iChildType = PtxPdfContent_ContentElement_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font.
Used to distinguish between linear (line) and cubic (Bezier curve) path segments.
Used to control the behavior of content extraction. Groups in the content can either be extracted as TPtxPdfContent_GroupElements, or their content can be unpacked, in which case groups' content elements are extracted as if not belonging to a group.
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection_None | Groups are extracted as TPtxPdfContent_GroupElements |
ePtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection_SafelyUngroupable | Un-grouping is restricted to those groups that can be un-grouped without visual loss. |
ePtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection_All | Un-group all groups. Note that copying TPtxPdfContent_ContentElements with un-grouping set to ePtxPdfContent_UngroupingSelection_All can alter content's visual appearance in the output document. |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_ChoiceField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_ChoiceField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType_ChoiceField | |
ePtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType_ListBox | |
ePtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldType_ComboBox |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_FieldNode*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_FieldNode_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_FieldNode_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Field.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_Field. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_Field*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_Field_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_FieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_Field_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy_Copy | The elements are copied as-is to the target document. |
ePtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy_Flatten | The elements are removed but the visible representation is retained. |
ePtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy_Remove | The elements are removed completely. |
ePtxPdfForms_FormFieldCopyStrategy_CopyAndUpdateWidgets | Copy widgets that belong to form fields copied previously with PtxPdfForms_FieldNode_Copy. Any changes made to copied form fields are reflected in the widgets. |
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions_NoChanges | No changes to the document shall be permitted; any change to the document shall invalidate the signature. |
ePtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions_FormFilling | Permitted changes shall be filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes shall invalidate the signature. |
ePtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions_Annotate | Permitted changes shall be the same as for ePtxPdfForms_MdpPermissions_FormFilling, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes shall invalidate the signature. |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_SignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_SignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_SignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_Signature.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_Signature. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_Signature*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_Signature_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignatureType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_Signature_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfForms_SignatureType_Signature | |
ePtxPdfForms_SignatureType_DocumentSignature | |
ePtxPdfForms_SignatureType_DocMdpSignature |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfForms_TextField.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfForms_TextField. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfForms_TextField*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfForms_TextField_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfForms_TextFieldType iChildType = PtxPdfForms_TextField_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfForms_TextFieldType_TextField | |
ePtxPdfForms_TextFieldType_GeneralTextField | |
ePtxPdfForms_TextFieldType_CombTextField |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Destination.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_Destination. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_Destination*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_Destination_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_DestinationType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_Destination_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestination*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_DirectDestination_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_DirectDestinationType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_DirectDestination_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
enum TPtxPdfNav_LinkType |
Type and subtype enumeration of TPtxPdfNav_Link.
This SDK uses a class hierarchy, where child types can be derived from parent types. The first item of the enumeration refers to the base type TPtxPdfNav_Link. The other items refer to the derived types.
Downcasting may be necessary. For example, to call the functions of an object’s parent class. In this case, a handle of the child type can be casted using a simple C-style cast: (TPtxPdfNav_Link*)pChildTypeHandle
Upcasting is also possible using a C-style cast. Before casting, determine the child type of the handle using the PtxPdfNav_Link_GetType function of the parent class: TPtxPdfNav_LinkType iChildType = PtxPdfNav_Link_GetType(pParentTypeHandle)
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfNav_LinkType_Link | |
ePtxPdfNav_LinkType_InternalLink | |
ePtxPdfNav_LinkType_WebLink | |
ePtxPdfNav_LinkType_EmbeddedPdfLink |
Specifies the horizontal arrangement for displaying pages.
Enumerator | |
ePtxPdfNav_PageLayout_OnePage | Displays one page. |
ePtxPdfNav_PageLayout_TwoPage | Displays two pages side by side. |
ePtxPdfNav_PageLayout_TwoPageFirstPageSingle | Use ePtxPdfNav_PageLayout_OnePage display for the first page and ePtxPdfNav_PageLayout_TwoPage display for the remaining pages. |
Specifies an informational side pane in a viewer used for document navigation or displaying document wide information.