
Erleichterung von Dokumentenkopfschmerzen

Digitalisieren Sie Gesundheitsakten und automatisieren Sie die Dokumentenverarbeitung mit hochwertigem Rendering, zuverlässiger Konvertierung und ISO-konformen Archivierungstools.


Elektronische Patientendossiers erstellen

Bündeln Sie fallbezogene Dokumente und wandeln Sie sie in ein PDF/A-Dossier für die Archivierung um - nahtlos, effizient und benutzerfreundlich.

Pflegeberichte verschlüsseln

Sorgen Sie für ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit, indem Sie sensible Dokumente verschlüsseln, bevor Sie sie auf Festplatten speichern.

Erhöhung der Rendering-Qualität von medizinischen Dokumenten

Übertreffen Sie die Anforderungen an Detailgenauigkeit und Bildtreue bei radiologischen Aufnahmen und erhöhen Sie die Patientensicherheit noch weiter.

Massendruck klinischer Berichte

Drucken Sie täglich Tausende von klinischen Berichten in hoher Qualität und Geschwindigkeit, ohne die Leistung anderer Anwendungen zu beeinträchtigen.

Den Einsatz von Medizintechnik verbessern

Erzielen Sie eine überdurchschnittliche Benutzerfreundlichkeit für medizinische Geräte durch die Anzeige von PDF-Benutzerführung auf Touchscreens.

Branchenführende Unternehmen vertrauen unseren Produkten

Völlig risikofrei

Schalten Sie Ihre PDF-Superkräfte frei
30-tägige kostenlose Testversion - keine Kreditkarte erforderlich
30-tägige kostenlose Testversion - keine Kreditkarte erforderlich
Volle Unterstützung durch unser Entwicklungsteam
Volle Unterstützung durch unser Entwicklungsteam
Registrierung in nur 1 Minute
Registrierung in nur 1 Minute

Meistgenutzte Produkte im Gesundheitswesen

This could be you

Munender Soperna
Head of IT, Dr Lal PathLabs
We are 100% satisfied with PDF Printer in terms of requirements. With its help, we are managing more than 170 print queue threads for different report printers without any issues.
Igor Berchtold
Team Lead IT, SUVA
Pdftools is distinguished by its ability to respond to special requests and enhancements. “Swiss Made“ is not just an empty phrase, but a promise.
Axel Schreiber
Head of Research & Development, VISUS Health IT
The collaboration with Pdftools was enjoyable throughout, from the quotation stage to project completion. They were very helpful and provided full support with integrating an evaluation version. By discussing all of our requirements in detail, we were able to find the right solution and the PDF to Image Converter met our high expectations with regard to render quality.
Axel Koch
Teamlead Software Development, Storz Medical
Pdftools provided the best possible solution for viewing PDF documents. Exceptionally high speed, high quality, and an attractive cost-benefit ratio are the main characteristics of the integrated PDF Viewer.
Roland Huber
Project manager, Solothurner Spitäler (hospitals)
The automated conversion of office documents to PDF/A evolved from a standard feature to a highlight of the eDossier-solution. The Pdftools component was integrated directly into SAP Folders Management and provides a highly efficient an reliable conversion of our documents.
Harald Wild
Project Manager, Medicproof
PDF Security is a tremendous help in ensuring data security. A stable data interface is essential to achieving this. The performance meets our expectations, and the flexibility of the solution sets PDF Security apart from other solutions on the market.
Munender Soperna
Head of IT, Dr Lal PathLabs
We are 100% satisfied with PDF Printer in terms of requirements. With its help, we are managing more than 170 print queue threads for different report printers without any issues.
Igor Berchtold
Team Lead IT, SUVA
Pdftools is distinguished by its ability to respond to special requests and enhancements. “Swiss Made“ is not just an empty phrase, but a promise.
Axel Schreiber
Head of Research & Development, VISUS Health IT
The collaboration with Pdftools was enjoyable throughout, from the quotation stage to project completion. They were very helpful and provided full support with integrating an evaluation version. By discussing all of our requirements in detail, we were able to find the right solution and the PDF to Image Converter met our high expectations with regard to render quality.
Axel Koch
Teamlead Software Development, Storz Medical
Pdftools provided the best possible solution for viewing PDF documents. Exceptionally high speed, high quality, and an attractive cost-benefit ratio are the main characteristics of the integrated PDF Viewer.
Roland Huber
Project manager, Solothurner Spitäler (hospitals)
The automated conversion of office documents to PDF/A evolved from a standard feature to a highlight of the eDossier-solution. The Pdftools component was integrated directly into SAP Folders Management and provides a highly efficient an reliable conversion of our documents.
Harald Wild
Project Manager, Medicproof
PDF Security is a tremendous help in ensuring data security. A stable data interface is essential to achieving this. The performance meets our expectations, and the flexibility of the solution sets PDF Security apart from other solutions on the market.
Munender Soperna
Head of IT, Dr Lal PathLabs
We are 100% satisfied with PDF Printer in terms of requirements. With its help, we are managing more than 170 print queue threads for different report printers without any issues.
Igor Berchtold
Team Lead IT, SUVA
Pdftools is distinguished by its ability to respond to special requests and enhancements. “Swiss Made“ is not just an empty phrase, but a promise.
Axel Schreiber
Head of Research & Development, VISUS Health IT
The collaboration with Pdftools was enjoyable throughout, from the quotation stage to project completion. They were very helpful and provided full support with integrating an evaluation version. By discussing all of our requirements in detail, we were able to find the right solution and the PDF to Image Converter met our high expectations with regard to render quality.
Axel Koch
Teamlead Software Development, Storz Medical
Pdftools provided the best possible solution for viewing PDF documents. Exceptionally high speed, high quality, and an attractive cost-benefit ratio are the main characteristics of the integrated PDF Viewer.
Roland Huber
Project manager, Solothurner Spitäler (hospitals)
The automated conversion of office documents to PDF/A evolved from a standard feature to a highlight of the eDossier-solution. The Pdftools component was integrated directly into SAP Folders Management and provides a highly efficient an reliable conversion of our documents.
Harald Wild
Project Manager, Medicproof
PDF Security is a tremendous help in ensuring data security. A stable data interface is essential to achieving this. The performance meets our expectations, and the flexibility of the solution sets PDF Security apart from other solutions on the market.
Munender Soperna
Head of IT, Dr Lal PathLabs
We are 100% satisfied with PDF Printer in terms of requirements. With its help, we are managing more than 170 print queue threads for different report printers without any issues.
Igor Berchtold
Team Lead IT, SUVA
Pdftools is distinguished by its ability to respond to special requests and enhancements. “Swiss Made“ is not just an empty phrase, but a promise.
Axel Schreiber
Head of Research & Development, VISUS Health IT
The collaboration with Pdftools was enjoyable throughout, from the quotation stage to project completion. They were very helpful and provided full support with integrating an evaluation version. By discussing all of our requirements in detail, we were able to find the right solution and the PDF to Image Converter met our high expectations with regard to render quality.
Axel Koch
Teamlead Software Development, Storz Medical
Pdftools provided the best possible solution for viewing PDF documents. Exceptionally high speed, high quality, and an attractive cost-benefit ratio are the main characteristics of the integrated PDF Viewer.
Die Zukunft der digitalen Dokumente

Die Zukunft der digitalen Dokumente

Sind Sie bereit, das Potenzial von PDF und digitalen Dokumenten für Ihr Unternehmen zu entdecken?

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