PDF Printer for forms and output management

MM-Agrar’s challenge was to send unstructured documents to output printing and follow-up handling in a structured form. In order to convert PDF documents, the 3-Heights™ PDF Printer was further developed to ensure that the content could be subsequently processed.
Application requirements
MM-Agrar’s challenge was to send unstructured documents to output printing and follow-up handling in a structured form, and then process the documents through an enveloping machine with OME reading. The solution had to be quickly implemented, with the resulting system being simple to use and easily supported.
Customer benefits
CSW - By using the 3-Heights® PDF Printer, the ProForma printing solution was enhanced with the following functionalities: reading PDF documents and accepting them as Unicode files that could be further processed, even when the PDF files themselves did not contain any Unicode coding.
MM-Agrar - Allocating the printed documents to the different types of forms is now possible thanks to the new software. The printouts can subsequently be placed in specially defined stacks. This greatly simplifies the archiving of the documents in structured repositories.
The realization of the end-customer’s requirements was successfully accomplished using the ProForma printing solution from CSW. The ProForma printing solution uses a virtual printer driver to convert documents of different formats into a standard Unicode-based format, which are then sent to the output management system.
In order to convert PDF documents, the 3-Heights® PDF Printer was further developed to support an output in the Unicode format for all types of PDF files, ensuring that the content could be subsequently processed.