PDF functionalities for online PDF Services

LULU Software’s recently acquired web-ecosystem needed to be migrated from Java to the .NET MVC platform. This migration required the replacement of various document processing tools provided.
Application requirements
LULU Software’s recently acquired web-ecosystem needed to be migrated from Java to the .NET MVC platform. This migration required the replacement of various document processing tools provided.
The new processing components supplied by PDF Tools AG had to enable the conversion of document formats like HTML, DOC, and PPT to PDF as well as standard processing functionalities such as combining, splitting, rotating, unlocking and protecting PDFs. Furthermore, the stability and performance of the components had to contribute to an overall increase in usability.
Customer benefits
LULU Software has profited from many of the PDF Tools AG’s products. The API libraries are very quick and simple to develop against and are easy to maintain. The integration of these components has lead to a significant performance gain with respect to the old solution especially for merging, splitting, rotating and compressing PDFs.
The integration of the PDF Tools AG components was implemented in several phases, with the conversion from HTML to PDF being the first. For this step LULU Software used the 3-Heights® PDF Document Converter. Due to the complexity of the product, it was a challenge to get started, but the prompt technical support provided by PDF Tools AG helped LULU’s IT team with sample code, suggestions and fixes until all issues were resolved.
In later phases, several of PDF Tools AG’s API products were also integrated. This turned out to be much simpler in terms of IT setup and deployment. Again, PDF Tools AG’s technical support was very helpful in solving edge cases and providing fixes. The 3-Heights® PDF Merge Split API was used for splitting, merging and rotating PDFs; the 3-Heights® PDF Security API provided unlocking and encrypting PDFs; the 3-Heights® PDF Optimizer API enabled the reduction of PDF file sizes to a minimum.
Currently, LULU Software is focused on integrating the 3-Heights® Document Converter in order to provide conversion of Microsoft Office documents to PDF.