Digitally signing of PDF/A documents via HSM at Swiss Mobiliar Insurance

Insurance requests (around 2.5 million pages per year) should in the future be converted to digitally-signed PDF/A conforming documents before they are archived. The scanned documents should be signed and stamped with an official timestamp.
Application requirements
Insurance requests are signed by Mobiliar customers and returned to the insurer by post. Legal guidelines (accounting records by-law GeBüV and the by-law concerning electronically transferred documents and information – EIDI-V) as well as internal directives dealing with compliance place additional requirements on the archiving of these documents. Insurance requests (around 2.5 million pages per year) should in the future be converted to digitally-signed PDF/A conforming documents before they are archived.
This process includes having the documents scanned and signed with a functional certificate in accordance with the Swiss Digital Signature Act and stamped with an official timestamp. The existing LunaSA HSM had to be incorporated into the solution. In addition, a high throughput rate had to be considered, since the performance for large volumes of documents is of crucial importance. A verification of the signature and the timestamp should occur after the documents are archived.
Customer benefits
The solution is used for digitally archiving insurance requests that have been hand-signed by customers. The digitally archived insurance requests are later available to authorized persons at all times and from all locations through a query system, enabling them to view the documents as PDF files or print them out. The stable and reliable signature solution can be used long-term and provides considerable time and the related cost savings through its automation. An excellent cost-performance ratio also needs to be emphasized.
The 3-Heights® PDF Security is integrated via its Java interface. Digital signing occurs under Windows, making use of the current LunaSA HSM. The documents are signed by means of a functional certificate from QuoVadis and are stamped with an official timestamp. This occurs via a secure, automated PIN transfer. Signatures and timestamps are then verified under Linux using a PKCS#11 interface and Keystore software.
The desired high throughput could be achieved due to the fast signature software and parallel processing. The tight schedule for implementation was an additional challenge that could be adhered to thanks to a strong engagement from the PDF Tools AG support team.
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