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Version: Version 4.2

Migrating from 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API to the PDF Toolbox SDK

This guide explains how to migrate from 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API (version 6.12) to the PDF Toolbox SDK (version 2.2 and higher).

Follow these steps to migrate your project to the PDF Toolbox SDK:

  1. Read the overview and changes for your chosen interface, and adapt your project accordingly.
  2. Use the source code migration script initiate source code migration. This step can alternatively be done manually with the help of the reference.
  3. Refer to interface changes to update your code to reflect incompatible interface changes and changed functional behavior. The source code migration script can help you in this step by marking code that needs attention.
  4. Run your tests. For many changes, making the source code compile does not guarantee the same behavior. As an additional source of correct usage of the PDF Toolbox SDK, source code samples are available.


Despite a general similarity in packaging, platform support, programming language bindings, and API, there are significant differences between 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API and the PDF Toolbox SDK.


The 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API comes as four different ZIP archives PdfToolbox-API-‹version›-‹platform›.[zip|tar.gz], one for each platform. The PDF Toolbox SDK comes as a single ZIP archive PdfToolbox_C-‹version›.zip.

The 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API comes as a NuGet package, which targets

  • .NET Framework 2.0 and higher
  • .NET Standard 1.1
  • .NET Standard 2.0

The PDF Toolbox SDK comes as a NuGet package, which targets

  • .NET Standard 2.0

All NuGet packages are hosted on

License keys

The 3-Heights® PDF Toolbox API supports the installation of machine-bound license 3-Heights® license keys by means of the graphical tool LicenseManager.exe for Windows or the shell toollicmgr for all platforms.

The PDF Toolbox SDK does not support installed keys anymore. Instead, a license key must be provided at application initialization time. See also The Sdk functions.Additionally, the license key has a new format: <4H,V4,TOOLSDK,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>.

Changes to the interface